by Patrick Coyle, Kiegan Rice, Peter Herman, Tereya Edwards, Luke Liu, and Devi Chelluri
by Seán McConnell
by Jesús Martín de la Sierra
by Claire Rymarz
Entries were evaluated by a panel of judges including Alberto Cairo, Amy Cesal, Vetria Byrd, PhD, Elijah Meeks & Alark Joshi. Entries were evaluated on their how engaging, impactful, clear, impressive, beautiful and accessible they are.
Each person can only enter two submissions and only one submission for each category
Entries are open to DVS members. If you are not a member, it’s free to join. Sign up here.
Groups can enter but any prize will be awarded to the individual entering and any group entry must be a list of names and cannot be an organization (You are welcome to give the name of your organization in the description of the entry, however)
You must use the 2020 Annual Survey Data. You may also use annual survey data from previous years. If you use any additional datasets, they need to be cited.
Any work presented must be your own
By entering you give Data Visualization Society the non-exclusive right to publish your work and/or screenshots of it. (examples of use: social media, website, emails and reports)
All work must adhere to the DVS Code of Conduct
Data Visualization Society board members, judges, and their immediate family are not eligible to win prizes, however, they may enter and be included in the full gallery