SOTI Challenge 2023 — Data Visualization Society

The 2023 State of the Industry Survey Challenge winners have arrived!!

There are first, second, and third place winners for both exploratory and explanatory visualizations and a winner for the beauty category (all highlighted below).

Data Visualization Challenges and Inspirations  by Sarina Chen  EXPLANATORY

Data Visualization Challenges and Inspirations

by Sarina Chen


2023 SOTI RESULTS, ISOTYPEd  by Viktoriia Vasiukova  EXPLANATORY


by Viktoriia Vasiukova


From Bar Graphs to Instagram Stories: Tracking the Evolution of How Data Visualization Professionals Present Data

From Bar Graphs to Instagram Stories: Tracking the Evolution of How Data Visualization Professionals Present Data

by Mary Ann Aabye


Dataviz Tools Network  by Ihar Yanouski  EXPLORATORY

Dataviz Tools Network

by Ihar Yanouski


Challenges for data visualization practice  by Mikel Madina  EXPLORATORY

Challenges for data visualization practice

by Mikel Madina


The Data Viz Tools We Used In 2023  by Shri Khalpada  EXPLORATORY

The Data Viz Tools We Used In 2023

by Shri Khalpada


What are data visualisation practitioners’ favourite tools?  by Andrew Moles  EXPLANATORY

What are data visualisation practitioners’ favourite tools?

by Andrew Moles


The Caterpillars of the Dataviz Experience  by Natalia Kiseleva  EXPLANATORY

The Caterpillars of the Dataviz Experience

by Natalia Kiseleva


Aligning Ambitions with Realities: Mapping Practitioners' Priorities & Challenges  by Sumaiya Mariyam  EXPLANATORY

Aligning Ambitions with Realities: Mapping Practitioners' Priorities & Challenges

by Sumaiya Mariyam


Data Scientist  by Angus Chen, Sabarikirishwaran (Sabari) Ponnambalam, and Truc Phan  EXPLANATORY

Data Scientist

by Angus Chen, Sabarikirishwaran (Sabari) Ponnambalam, and Truc Phan


Artificial Intelligence Adoption by Data Visualization Professionals  by Katie Shaffer  EXPLANATORY

Artificial Intelligence Adoption by Data Visualization Professionals

by Katie Shaffer


The tools we use for data visualization  by Nadya Andrianova  EXPLANATORY

The tools we use for data visualization

by Nadya Andrianova


Challenges faced by the data visualisation community  by Patricia Loi  EXPLANATORY

Challenges faced by the data visualisation community

by Patricia Loi


Employee vs Freelance: Audiences, Charts and Communications  by BP  EXPLORATORY

Employee vs Freelance: Audiences, Charts and Communications

by BP


Unveiling the Salary Spectrum  by Diksha Singh, Vikas Mishra  EXPLANATORY

Unveiling the Salary Spectrum

by Diksha Singh, Vikas Mishra


2023 Data Visualization Industry Pay Perception  by Kate Miller  EXPLORATORY

2023 Data Visualization Industry Pay Perception

by Kate Miller


What does a Career as a Data Visualiser Look Like?  by Ong Han Ying  EXPLORATORY

What does a Career as a Data Visualiser Look Like?

by Ong Han Ying


DVS Survey: Income Trends Among DataViz Professional  by Arshi Saleh  EXPLORATORY

DVS Survey: Income Trends Among DataViz Professional

by Arshi Saleh


The dataviz clock  by Ana Kaiseler  EXPLANATORY

The dataviz clock

by Ana Kaiseler


Average Annual Pay Based on Employee Role  by Hillary R.  EXPLANATORY

Average Annual Pay Based on Employee Role

by Hillary R.


The Gender Pay Gap in Data Visualization  by Nicole Mark  EXPLANATORY

The Gender Pay Gap in Data Visualization

by Nicole Mark




The most useful exploratory visualization. We want to see dashboards and other visualizations that let people generate and test their hypotheses about what motivates and affects the field.


The most engrossing explanatory visualization. We want to see the trends in the data and how they weave together to tell us what’s happening in the data viz community.


The 2023 Data Visualization SOTI Survey has responses to 60+ questions and was taken by over 800 people. It covers professional details like roles and tasks, tools and charts, experience, compensation, work contexts, challenges and changes, and more.


  • Each person can only enter two submissions and only one submission for each category.

  • Entries are open to Data Visualization Society members. If you are not a member, it’s easy and free to join. Sign up here.

  • Groups can enter but any cash-value prize will be awarded to the individual submitting the entry. Any group entry must be a list of names and cannot be an organization. Gallery space + online ribbons can be shared by all group members named.

  • You must use the 2023 Annual State of the Industry Survey Data. You are also welcome to use annual survey data from previous years or other relevant datasets. If you use any additional datasets, they need to be cited.

  • Any work presented must be your own.

  • By entering you give DVS the non-exclusive right to publish your work and/or screenshots of it. (Examples of use: social media, website, emails and reports)

  • All work must adhere to the DVS Code of Conduct.

  • DVS board members, advisory committee, judges and their immediate family are not eligible to win prizes. However, they may enter and be included in the full gallery. 

  • The Data Visualization Society reserves the right to not award a prize for a category.