Are there data visualizers with a similar technical skillset as me?

Created by Diana

There are many tools available to process, analyze and present data. Each data visualization practitioner has his or her own technical toolbox. This interactive interface allows users to check how represented they are in the data visualization community based on their technical skillset.

I was curious to know if any survey respondents uses the same tools as me to visualize data, and moreover, if they had the same role, years of experience, time spent and perspectives on data visualization as me. I wanted to check if there was anyone out there who was similar to me, to as best as possible find my own community within the larger data visualization community. My goal was to also allow others to answer this question for themselves through the interactive interface. By funneling the tools with the dropdown while simultaneously filtering and animating the dots (which represent each respondent), it offers an element of surprise to the user. I hope that users feel compelled to play around and explore the results not just for their own toolbox, but also for other combinations of tools.