Rate by Role and LGBT Status

rate_by_role_and_lgbtqplus_status_boxplotanalytics_swarmchart - Barbara Donnini.png

CREATED BY: Barbara Donnini - Boxplot Analytics


Each point on this chart represents a survey respondent. We can see patterns within each of the professions for hourly rate. For example, the hourly rates for the "student" category are all below $100 per hour and most are along the bottom of the graph (closer to $0 per hour). However, we see the points clustering more around higher rates for the "Leadership" category. The bulk of the work involved data cleaning. We grouped the LGBTQ+ questions into "Yes" or "No" with a function. Then we used IF logic to estimate the hourly rate based on the yearly pay if an hourly rate was not provided.


I used the Seaborn Python library in Jupyter Notebook.