Story of Data Visualization Education

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CREATED BY: Gauri Tillu


The following visualization shows the number of years of experience that people have with a comparison with their method of learning and the gender they mentioned in the survey. It is evident from the following visualization that Data Visualization is becoming popular as a formal subject in schools only recently. We can see that most of the people who learnt Data Viz formally in a school are the ones who have entered the domain recently, say a couple of years ago.


- Exploring and searching for patterns using basic tools like Google sheet filters.
- Cleaning up the data and selecting the required question set.
- Grouping the experiences into brackets like 0 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years, etc.
- Trying different kinds of visualizations to find the best suited out of the 2-3 narrowed down visualizations. Eg. Line graphs in Google sheets, circular visualization using Circos, Sankey using Flourish
- Finalized on Sankey Diagram using Flourish